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An Introduction To The LlamaTalk Language

LlamaTalk is a unique multi-dimensional triadic spin-based programming language for connecting complex learning behaviors with environmental observations and interactions. LlamaTalk is comprised of atomic LlamalOps describing the positive spin, negative spin, and pivot point of each LlamalOperator. It may help to think of every LlamalOp as having a separate thread of execution while inter-dependently evaluating the positive and negative spins of their target objects.

Parenthesis are used in the traditional sense to manage order of operations but generally contain triadic versicles that result in a LlamalOp when executed. LlamaTalk is an LL(*) grammar therefore its implementation is fundamentally ambiguous and deliberately irrational, meaning LlamalOps either learn and evolve, or cease to function. For example:

	Ҩҩ	⁖ ((e•ë)Ņ•ėach), /* "Haha" */
	ϑ	⁖ (hcaė•Ņ(ë•e)), /* "Hmph" */

	Ҩҩ	⁖ ((e•ë)Ṃ•ëach), /* "Haha" */
	ϑ	⁖ (hcaë•Ṃ(ë•e)), /* "Hmph" */

thinking(.); >>> whut.whut

critical_thinking(.); >>> ha•ha


Diacriticals and spindot notation define the evaluation risk and enlightenment level of the result. Spindots are pivot points that require both an lvalue and an rvalue, each evaluated in both spin directions to produce a LlamalOp result which is itself a pivot point for other LlamalOps.

(e•e); >>> .
(e•ė); >>> .
(e•ë); >>> . or •
(ė•e); >>> .
(ė•ė); >>> •
(ė•ë); >>> •
(ë•e); >>> . or •
(ë•ė); >>> •
(ë•ë); >>> ᴧ or •

Basic Operators


simple jump into a pool
acts before thinking
this Daisy Duke operator is sexy but sometimes a little dirty

transverse jump into a pool
thinks before acting
an Educated Sexy operator looks things over first

safe transverse jump into a pool
knows how to safely jump
a Lifeguard keeps things moving along


basic wobbly spinner
risky re-spins may fall down
ėach yer pëa.z() then try !(Ņ•pŭkë(.))

basic stable spinner
safely re-spins
experienced ėach yer Ņ•pëa.z() never throws up

learning triad (?•?)
llamalop pivot; evaluated rvalue is returned here
labeled or unlabeled versicles; anonymous closures


simple name
basic clazz
static metadata


transverse name
complex class
dynamic metadata


recorded name
learning class
potentially self-modifying dynamic metadata


spin triad
positive, negative, pivot
describes the postive and negative spin logic to apply to the supplied pivot object (contains three or more elements)


untrained (pas de point), enlightened (un point), educated (deux points), enlightened educated (l'accent aigu), etc.
diacritics describe the education level of the object or operator (0, 1, 2…N)

llamatalk clazz
attributes and metadata of the container


clazz object set
a collection of llamatalk clazz references
references a learning collection [of references]

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